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Jacklyn Gates (Staff Scientist, Heavy Element Group) at the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator, BGS, in Building 88 on Monday, July 8, 2024 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif. Experts in the Nuclear Science Division use the 88-Inch Cyclotron to test a new way to make superheavy element 116, livermorium. Photographer: Marilyn Sargent Dan Kodroff, Taurean Zhang, Yue Wang, and Bahareh Ardestani hosted Berkeley Lab’s Dark Matter Day event at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley, CA, on October 31. Photo credit: Michelle Z. Rodriguez, Lawrence Hall of Science DESI has made the largest 3D map of our universe to date. Earth is at the center of this thin slice of the full map. In the magnified section, it is easy to see the underlying structure of matter in our universe. Credit: Claire Lamman/DESI collaboration; custom colormap package by cmastro Ian Pong (left), a staff scientist in ATAP's Superconducting Magnet Program, and Kevin Gillespie, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, discuss the "up-dimensioning" method. Photo Credit: Berkeley Lab BELLA Center Postdoctoral Scholar Deepak Sapkota (left) and Deputy Director Jeroen van Tilborg observe non-linear blue light generated using the beam-shaped flat-top beam for uniform broadening. Photo Credit: Matthew Fullmer, Berkeley Lab Stepan Bulanov (Karen Russell, Berkeley Lab) LBNL Director's Awards - logo banner Yilun Xu, Neel Rajeshabhai Vora, and Gang Huang from ATAP’s Berkeley Accelerator Controls & Instrumentation (BACI) Program work on the QubiC, an open-source FPGA-based control system developed by Berkeley Lab. Thor Swift/Berkeley Lab Career Journeys: Joe Silber Christian Bauer is a senior scientist at Berkeley Lab affiliated with QSA. Thor Swift/Berkeley Lab 2024 Berkeley Lab Research SLAM finalists: (top row, left to right) Gurjyot Sethi, Mauricio Ayllon Unzueta, Ivo Marković, Lisa Schlueter, Yumary Vasquez, and Laleh Coté; (bottom row, left to right) Saurabh Sawant, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Bri Finley, Dennis Noll, Nicholas Dale, and Anne Fortman. Image Credit: Berkeley Lab Elements Gang Huang and Yilun Xu from Berkeley Lab's ATAP division led the development of QubiC, an open-source classical control system for quantum processors. (Credit: Thor Swift/Berkeley Lab)