Natalie Roe, Associate Laboratory Director for Physical Sciences, chaired the 45th meeting of the US-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program in High Energy Physics, hosted by Berkeley Lab and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa on May 22–23, 2023, in Honolulu, Hawai’i.
Since 1979, this collaboration has strengthened the high-energy physics research community by cultivating stronger networks and connections between funding agencies and researchers in the U.S. and Japan. Regina Rameika, associate director of the US Department of Energy Office of High Energy Physics, was also in attendance.
As part of her remarks during the opening session, Roe pointed out that one of the goals of the program was to initiate and sustain new funding opportunities for innovative research projects. “Both the Department of Energy and the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) funding agency in Japan put in money to support collaborative proposals where we have both the U.S. and Japanese principal investigators working together, often on cutting-edge research and development in accelerator physics and detector physics,” Roe said. “And this is a way of getting our younger scientists working together, which establishes the foundation for the next generation of collaboration.”
Read more about the event in this UH News press release:
High energy physics experts network, collaborate at UH-hosted symposium
May 23, 2023 / Marc Arakaki / University of Hawai’i News