André Walker-Loud – a staff scientist in the Nuclear Theory Group, part of Berkeley Lab’s Nuclear Science Division – has been elected a 2023 American Physical Society (APS) Fellow, which recognizes advances in physics through original research and publications, and innovative contributions in the application of physics.
Walker-Loud is being recognized for his “definitive contributions to fundamental symmetries in nucleons and nuclei, utilizing lattice QCD and Effective Field Theory, including the high-precision computation of the nucleon axial coupling.” He is currently working to improve these computations, including incorporating QED effects into these nuclear and hadronic processes, and moving to more complex processes such as pion-nucleon scattering, pion-production, and understanding the emergence of the nuclear force from QCD.
Walker-Loud has recently served as chair of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s (OLCF) User Group Executive Committee (OUG). (Photo Left: Walker-Lout inspects Frontier, the world’s fastest supercomputer, where many of the lattice QCD calculations may be carried out. Credit: Carol Morgan, ORNL).