The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded up to $21.4 million for the design of telescopes for CMB-S4, a next-generation experiment that will study the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and help us understand the beginning, history, and makeup of the universe. 

The CMB-S4 project, which is jointly supported by the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation, currently involves an international collaboration of 450 scientists from more than 100 institutions spanning 20 countries. Berkeley Lab leads the partnership of national labs, universities, and institutions that will carry out the project for DOE. In addition to providing the overall project management infrastructure, Berkeley Lab also plays a lead role in technology development for the experiment’s superconducting detectors, small-aperture telescopes, and data management. CMB-S4 is expected to cost on the order of $800 million and to come fully online in the early 2030s. 

Read the full article:
Experiment to Capture Universe’s Earliest Moments Reaches Funding Milestone
October 26, 2023 / Berkeley Lab News Center
(Adapted from a news release by the University of Chicago)